Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I think I miss my pager... Nahh

     Being the new kid is never easy. However, if you want to do great things, you just might have to do something different. So I've packed it up and landed in Manhattan at ABC NEWS on 47 W 66th Street. I must admit, Atlanta has grown on me and I miss my beloved Highland Bakery. (Sweet potato diabetes pancakes!!)Despite my living in the NYC before, I have been lost!!! I've been walking in the wrong direction, taking the wrong train and ended up on Broadway!! (check out the pic) However, I made it to work in one piece.
      The ABC NEWS building is huge, the people are laid back, and the news guy Sam Champion is in jeans... chilling!! Where is Diane Sawyer?? One of my bosses who happens to be one of the senior producers for the medical unit, is a tall and brutally honest gent. "So.. you are Khaalisha?? Did you read my Residents Guide? (All 38 pages?? um..)  Yes? Okay, lets get you a desk so you can get to work." Gulp...  Many people wonder what in the world am I doing at ABC? Well, every month the Medical News Unit hosts a group of 4-6 residents from any discipline to come in and assess new medical journal articles before release to public and help decide if these new findings are applicable to the world audience. I'm not in front of a camera. Thank goodness! I probably would forget what a teleprompter even is!! My history of performing poetry would not help. My job? I simply vet articles for stories and if they are approved ... write some up and others might go to T.V.  Not so fabulous? Well for a nerd like me ?? Super fab! Too bad pre-released articles come to my email every two minutes all day!!! I am working with 4 other residents from Mt. Sinai , UIC , Univ of Arizona and University of Minnesota. One member of the team was even an attending. An all girl crew! And we are all fab, grateful and driven. 
      Sometimes I feel as a physician, that while on this rotation I am one of the gate keepers for public knowledge and safety. While I don't control public knowledge, I am proud to help to keep dissemination responsible ! Thank goodness for journal club because my job at ABC is like journal club on steroids!!  Dr. Harris, of Morehouse Cardiology, taught some great lessons in her journal club that I still keep with me! (Thank you!!)  Sometimes, articles that we all may read in the New England Journal of Medicine, and alike, will excite the press and consequently excites our patients. They will google a topic or see it on the nightly news and then come to our clinic and request a test that won't change the current standard of care! Sometimes the test has a risk of being unnecessary or harmful. However , they saw it, so they want it! It's about being informed and educating others about there health, responsibly!  
I am falling in love with NYC all over again!
I'm exhausted but excited! Today, I will get to visit the Good Morning America and World News set! Its also fashion week and my friends are here. This weekend belongs to me!


I will leave with a question? When was the last time you were the new kid and it took some getting used to ??


  1. I MISS YOU BINTU!!!!! But I am sooooo happy and proud of you!!!

  2. Hey B..oh I mean MedGirlMD Love the blog. I'm glad I now know what your doing and I can stop telling people you are going to be on the news taking other folks jobs...:)

  3. This is fabulous Doc B!! The world has no idea what it is in for...a B-Girl with that stoopid dookie intelligence!!

  4. Yay awesome!!!You Rock

  5. Somehow you managed to make "journal club on steroids" sound exciting lol.

    1. Funny... I just blurted out today that this rotation is like journal club on steroids and everyone laughed because it soooo is.

  6. I like new beginnings. It is a mixture of excitement for new opportunities and experiences with anxiety about what the future holds. I know your new experience will be exciting and fufilling.

    1. Thank you for my pep talk a million times over.

  7. Hello,
    I'm a MSM doc in Pediatrics. I love those sweet potatoe pancakes at Highland bakery too:) I'm so proud of you. I hope you have a fabulous experience; this is an awesome opportunity and I'm glad you were chosen to do it. Continue to make us proud and I look forward to reading your blog!
    -Chevon Brooks

  8. I think I am envious, but more excited for you!! Learn hard and play hard... Make us proud
    Jolene Lowery

  9. Hey!!
    Wonderful post! I'm glad you're getting settled into your new role and trying to adjust back into NYC's hustle and bustle. To answer your post question, the last time I was the new kid was probably upon admission to Morehouse SOM. I was a 17-hour drive from home without any family or friends in the Atlanta area. It was tough but I learned that so long as a positive attitude was maintained, things fell into place, I eventually made friends and got used to my new environment. I've been blessed with so many genuinely good people and as much as I complain about missing home, I don't regret my move. Your post reminds me of this experience and I think the lesson I learned is an important one to keep in mind for many of my classmates who are candidates for graduation this coming May 2013(yay!!!!)! Many of us are apprehensive about the new and uncertain life that is before us, but with wherever life takes us, positivity will always beget positive experiences and people. All the best sis!
    -- Jenn Ez

  10. Thank you Jen! I actually needed to hear that from you because I finish residency soon enough and we all have butterflies about fellowship and job hunting! You and I were on a floor team together and you were and still are such a star! You will do great things!

  11. Ajala--Keep doin it big!!!! I always said u loved the action. :)

  12. Congrats dear. Continue representing Morehouse SOM. Proud of you. Have you met Diane Sawyer, Robin Roberts, and the likes? I will continue reading your blog.

    1. I run into Diane Sawyer daily in passing. i work with Dr. Rich Besser who is the former head of the CDC. We are all in the same office area. I did introduce myself and she was so gracious as to congratulate me on the rotation. She is as pretty as she in on TV. LOL

  13. Wow. Congrats. MedgirlMD Love what you are doing ...I am the patient that reads medical journals and then questions my pcp about it. Keep up the great work. So proud of you.

    1. oh!!! You are that kind!! hahaha . I'm proud of you for doing so. We all need to be interested in our health. keep it up... it just might make your doc proud:-)
